Professor Iordan Gh. Bărbulescu, Ph.D., Director of ISLA, attended this year’s Jean Monnet Conference and ECSA World Reunion
On the 14th and the 15th of November, 2013, the Jean Monnet Conference “The political implications of European economic integration towards a political union” took place in Brussels. Professor Iordan Gh. Bărbulescu, Ph.D., Director of ISLA, President of the Romanian Association of International Relations and European Studies (ECSA Romania) attended it, as same as the ECSA General Assembly and workshop organized with this occasion on the 15th and the 16th of November.
This year’s Jean Monnet Conference focused on the economic and financial crisis and the way in which it can lead to a deepening of economic integration and to a further political convergence in the European Union, or even a political Union. This subject is presently being discussed at both the European and Member States levels, as well as in different dedicated fora.
The question of the possible further political convergence must be extensively analysed. Europe’s history, culture and social realities raise potential obstacles to – and offer great opportunities for – further political convergence. All these aspects should be considered in their economic, political and societal perspectives.
Among the speakers were José Manuel BARROSO, President of the European Commission; Jan TRUSZCZYŃSKI, European Commission, Director-General for Education and Culture; John Mc Cormick, Jean Monnet Professor of EU Politics in the Department of Political Science at the Indianapolis campus of Indiana University in the United States; Maximiliano BERNAD Y ÁLVAREZ DE EULATE, the Director of the Master on European Union (Zaragoza, Brussels, Luxembourg, Strasbourg, Madrid and Frankfurt); Wolfgang WESSELS, who was Head of the Department of Political and Administrative Studies at the College of Europe in Bruges and was awarded the Jean Monnet Award in gold; Dusan SIDJANSKI, Honorary President of the European Cultural Centre and special adviser to the President of the European commission, and other renowned Professors, MEPs and officials from the European Commission.
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